A renowned speaker on aviation issues and recognized authority on civil aviation matters nationally and around the world, Pierre Jeanniot is a highly experienced senior executive providing strategic, operational and investment advice on all sectors of the aviation industry in North America and internationally through his consulting and investment company, Jinmag Inc.
Former President & CEO of Air Canada, Director General Emeritus of IATA, and having served on the Boards of major airlines, airports, ATC authorities, major hi-tech companies, and international financial institutions, Pierre Jeanniot also provides in-depth insights on many of the challenges and opportunities facing aerospace and financial institutions today. Pierre Jeanniot’s observations and opinions are routinely sought by the media.
Bâtir l’UQAM
/in News /by Pierre JeanniotC’est dans un Québec en pleine transformation que Pierre J Jeanniot a joué l’un des rôles les plus importants de sa carrière. Arrivé à Montréal en 1947 avec sa mère dans l’espoir d’y vivre une vie meilleure que dans sa France d’origine, le jeune Pierre Jeanniot s’illustre à l’école par un talent indéniable et une certaine envie de rébellion. « J’ai été fichu à la porte trois fois! se rappelle-t-il. En dernière année, j’ai été privé de cours pendant les dernières semaines, mais j’ai quand même fini deuxième sur l’île de Montréal. »
Lifetime achievement award presented to Pierre Jeanniot by the Air Transport Association of Canada in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Canadian aviation.
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotRead his acceptance speech.
What is going on at Boeing?
/in News, Opinion /by Pierre JeanniotThe B737-MAX saga illustrates a most unusual – and unfortunate – series of mishaps within the Boeing company which seems to affect many different dimensions of this important company. It questions the wisdom of extending one more time the B737 line, which was the last airplane designed by Boeing before the advent of the electronically […]

Pierre Jeanniot with John McKenna, President, Air Transport Association of Canada
Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Dinner, Dorval, Quebec, 16 May 2019
Some comments concerning the B.737-MAX current issue
/in News, Opinion /by Pierre JeanniotWe know that the cause of the two crashes … has been attributed to a failed sensor of the angle of attack … and the questionable behaviour of some the Manoeuvring Characteristic Augmentation System (MCAS). The LionAir accident resulted in 189 fatalities. The Ethiopian crash caused 157 fatalities. The M.C.A.S. is the part of the […]
Change or Perish – Privatization of Air Canada
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotLecture by Pierre J. Jeanniot at McGill University.
Dragon, Tigers and an Elephant
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotIFFAAD address by Pierre J Jeanniot.
Nouveau don de 160 000 $ de la Fondation Jeanniot
/in Fondation, News /by Pierre JeanniotLe 20 décembre dernier, la rectrice de l’UQAM, Magda Fusaro, et le directeur général de la Fondation de l’UQAM, Pierre Bélanger, ont accueilli Pierre J. Jeanniot à l’occasion de l’annonce d’un don de 160 000 $ de la Fondation Jeanniot. Cette somme permettra de bonifier le Fonds Pierre J. Jeanniot, qui octroie des bourses à […]
IATA’s IOSA – 15th Anniversary
/in Interviews & Media, News /by Pierre JeanniotThe IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Program is celebrating its 15th anniversary. View The IOSA Story video.
Board Member, Argo Consulting Inc.
/in News /by Pierre JeanniotBoard Member, Argo Consulting Inc., May 2018
Embrace Change or Perish! – Privatization of Air Canada
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotGuest Lecturer, McGill University
Montreal, April 3, 2018
Guest Lecturer, McGill University School of Business
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotAirline Models
Guest Lecturer, McGill University
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotPowerpoint Presentation: Privatization of Air Canada
Interview, BNN Business News
/in Interviews & Media, News /by Pierre JeanniotOutlook for the Bombardier C-Series
Interview, BNN Business News
/in Interviews & Media, News /by Pierre JeanniotBombardier/Boeing dispute. Announcement by Delta Airlines to purchase the C-Series
Named Officer of the French Légion d’Honneur
/in News /by Pierre JeanniotPierre Jeanniot was named Officer of the French Légion d’Honneur by the President of the Republic of France on 14th of April 2017 in recognition of his remarkable professional career and exceptional leadership of the International Air Transport Association. The insignia was awarded by the Ambassador of France to Canada, Mme. Kareen Rispal, at a […]
COMMERCIAL AVIATION An incredible journey … an incredible future
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotAddress to the Montreal International Aviation Club >> by Pierre J Jeanniot, delivered by Jeffrey Shane, General Counsel, IATA 24 November 2016 >> It’s always a special pleasure to meet with a group of aviation enthusiasts – people who understand what a remarkable industry this is and what it has contributed to the quality of […]
Au revoir, Tony Tyler; Welcome Alexandre de Juniac
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotIATA’S EVENT >> 30 AUGUST 2016 >> Distinguished guests, friends and former colleagues I am honored – and happy – to be part of this gathering on the occasion of “IATA’s Changing of the Guard”. I have had the privilege, over the past few years, to get to know Tony Tyler and to witness his […]
Remise des bourses Pierre Jeanniot
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotUniversité de Québec à Montréal >> Le 25 mai 2016 M. le Vice-Recteur M. le Directeur-général Chers boursiers … mesdames et messieurs Une remise de bourse … c’est toujours un événement très agréable … puisqu’il célèbre la réussite académique. Vous savez … dès sa création … la Fondation de l’Université du Québec à Montréal … […]
“Open Skies” or “Fair Skies”? That is the question
/in News, Speeches /by Pierre JeanniotAPG WORLD CONNECT October 29, 2015 – Marrakech THE GREAT DEBATE > “Open Skies” or “Fair Skies”? That is the question > Moderator Pierre Jeanniot >> Having completed their respective consolidations, the three major U.S. airlines – namely United, Delta, and American – have been reaching a new height in profitability. The profit forecast for […]
Industry Overview and Issues
/in News /by Pierre JeanniotIndustry Overview and Issues September 2015 >> For the airline industry, 2014 was a great year. IATA reported a global net profit of some 19.9 billion USD. This optimistic picture is continuing thus far in 2015, with a forecast industry net profit of 29.3 billion USD. However, we have yet to see the impact on […]
COVID-19: Overview of the current situation
/in Opinion /by Pierre JeanniotCivil aviation is a primary engine of the world travel and tourism sector.
This sector of the economy supports millions of jobs, generates major income, and makes a very significant contribution to the gross national product of many nations.
Because of its impact on the economy, and its importance to overall employment, there is much pressure from the various participants of this industry, firms, individual businesses, etc. to return as rapidly as possible to its previous level of activity.
But in order to achieve some level of return of this economic sector, many issues need to be overcome. This coronavirus is lethal and no vaccine or medication currently exist.
Governments are rightly concerned about the economic impact. People are scared and reluctant to travel – which could increase their exposure and possibility of getting COVID 19.